Starting from previous research experiences and tangible outcomes, STORM proposes a set of novel predictive models and improved non-invasive and non-destructive methods of survey and diagnosis, for effective prediction of environmental changes and for revealing threats and conditions that could damage cultural heritage sites. Moreover, STORM will determine how different vulnerable materials, structures and buildings are affected by different extreme weather events together with risks associated to climatic conditions or natural hazards, offering improved, effective adaptation and mitigation strategies, systems and technologies. An integrated system featuring novel sensors (intra fluorescent and wireless acoustic sensors), legacy systems, state of the art platforms (including LiDAR and UAVs), as well as crowdsourcing techniques will be implemented, offering applications and services over an open cloud infrastructure.
Nome dell'evento | Data Evento | Luogo Evento | Descrizione dell'evento |
Meeting with Joint Research Center-Ispra - Crisis Management Laboratory | Ispra (Varese) | On 11 and 12 October 2016, Stefano Marsella has joined the meeting on “social media and crisis management”, organized by the Ispra European Crisis Management Laboratory of the EU’s Joint Research Center. During a side meeting of the event he has discussed with Mr Alessandro Annunziato and Mr Daniele Galliano of the JRC the outcomes of the use of the application FRT (field reporting tool). The FRT tool, has been used (and at the time of the meeting was under test by some CNVVF operatives on the Central Italy 24th august earthquake scenario. It is an application that allows CNVVF control rooms to collect georeferenced pictures, video and audio comments of the firefighters operating on the disaster scenario. The contribution that operatives send from the field improve the awareness of the situation and, for the STORM purposes, allow rescue bodies to take more accurate decisions on what is needed to establish safety conditions. The meeting has allowed to inform the JRC officials about the extremely highly satisfaction level recorded and, consequently, defining possible strategies to test it on a wider basis. |
HERITAGE 2018 - 6th International Conference on Heritage and Sustainable Development | Granada (Spagna) | Uno dei principali problemi di gestione delle emergenze in caso di danni riportati da |
STORM - Roma,13 maggio, Terme di Diocleziano - esercitazione finale del sito pilota | Roma, Terme di Diocleziano | Simulazione di un terremoto e le sue conseguenze potenziali sul sito archeologico delle Terme di Diocleziano. |
2nd International Fire Safety Symposium 2017 (IFireSS2017) | Napoli | On 11 and 12 October 2016, Stefano Marsella has joined the meeting on “social media and crisis management”, organized by the Ispra European Crisis Management Laboratory of the EU’s Joint Research Center. During a side meeting of the event he has discussed with Mr Alessandro Annunziato and Mr Daniele Galliano of the JRC the outcomes of the use of the application FRT (field reporting tool). The FRT tool, has been used (and at the time of the meeting was under test by some CNVVF operatives on the Central Italy 24th august earthquake scenario. It is an application that allows CNVVF control rooms to collect georeferenced pictures, video and audio comments of the firefighters operating on the disaster scenario. The contribution that operatives send from the field improve the awareness of the situation and, for the STORM purposes, allow rescue bodies to take more accurate decisions on what is needed to establish safety conditions. The meeting has allowed to inform the JRC officials about the extremely highly satisfaction level.
Progetto EU STORM: innovazione per la gestione delle emergenze che coinvolgono beni culturali | Roma | Obiettivo: |
Storia, Sicurezza e Protezione delle Strutture Lignee degli Edifici Storici | Roma | L'appuntamento, organizzato dal Corpo Nazionale dei Vigili del Fuoco con l'ordine degli Ingegneri della Provincia di Roma, è un'iniziativa finanziata dal progetto comunitario di ricerca e sviluppo STORM, la cui finalità è realizzare una piattaforma tecnologica di supporto ai gestori dei beni culturali per mitigare gli effetti dei cambiamenti climatici su edifici e manufatti storici. Durante l'incontro, i relatori esporranno i principali problemi e le soluzioni adottate per proteggere le strutture lignee presenti in alcuni degli edifici di maggiore rilevanza del patrimonio mondiale. |
STORM summer school | Roma | The Summer School goal was to provide basic information about the first year results of the STORM project, The course lectures explored the relationships between climatic change and the risk to Cultural Heritage, the technologies available to predict hazardous events and minimize damages in case of emergency. Five field exercise sessions were organised with specific attention to paper documents damaged by water, emergency operations on collapsing structures and emergency operations on frescoed walls. |
"STOP Manual for the Provisional Works - the experience after the earthquake in L'Aquila in 2009" | Roma | Quadro giuridico e procedure operative del CNVVF dopo il terremoto de l'Aquila - (Marsella) |
STORM ACADEMY 2019 | Roma, Viterbo |
ORGANIZZAZIONE DIDATTICA STORM Academy è articolata in tre sezioni. Ogni sessione dura sei giorni. Il calendario è definito per avere lezioni frontali comprendenti altrettanti esercizi in loco all'interno dei siti di ciascun progetto pilota. Alcune lezioni saranno effettuate con l'insegnante in connessione. Alla fine dello STORM ACADEMY 2019 l'Accademia dell'Università della Tuscia assegnerà ai partecipanti 5 crediti validi all'interno del Sistema Universitario Italiano (CFU, Crediti formativi universitari DM 270/2004). |
Condizioni operative per l'utilizzo del Laser Scanner nei dissesti strutturali di beni culturali | Roma | Durante le attività svolte per il progetto STORM è stato concordato di monitorare, |
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