The IDIRA-project developed a system to facilitate the coordination of response activities between multiple actors. Techniques to improve the interoperability between organisations were implemented and evaluated. Particularly, information exchange between various sources, e.g. sensors, legacy command and control systems, public data sources or simulation tools is supported by the IDIRA system. In addition, new tools for effective response management have been developed: the common operational picture (COP) providing situation awareness and facilitating incident and task management, and more specific tools, exemplarily for tracing of missing persons, assessment of needs. This final report gives an overview of the technical outcome and lessons learnt during system development and evaluation, and also presents guidelines for future developments.

AUTORI: Company name : Fraunhofer Name of representative : Georg Förster Address : Zeunerstrasse 38 Phone number : + 49 351 4640682 Fax number : + 49 351 4640803 E-mail : Georg.Foerster@ivi.fraunhofe
DATA DOCUMENTO: 06/04/2018
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PROGETTO DOCUMENTO: Interoperability of Data and procedures In large-scale multinational disaster Response Actions