In Italy, The COVID-19 pandemic has started in January 2020 and has made it necessary for urgent technical emergency services to adapt the general organization and emergency management procedures to the requirements for personnel protection and service continuity. This document summarizes the main measures that the CNVVF (Corpo nazionale dei Vigili del Fuoco - National Fire and Rescue Service - partner of the EU funded Coordination and support action FIRE-IN and of the EU funded innovation action IN PREP ) has adopted to 1 2 guarantee the continuity of the emergency services and the functioning of the administrative structure necessary for this objective. For this purpose, the first part of this document indicates the acts adopted by the President of the Council of Ministers and the Head of the Department of Civil Protection, which indicate the main phases of the COVID-19 emergency from a regulatory point of view. The second part reports the measures adopted by the CNVVF from the very beginning of the emergency until the date of publication of the present document. A final discussion explains some aspects of the organization of the CNVVF that have been particularly involved in the implementation of such measures to tackle the COVID-19 risks.
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