Wildfires and WUI fires emergency planning towards a next generation of decision support systems


People safety in case of wildfires is a complex matter, where territorial planning, organisation of firefighting services and emergency management should be integrated under one consistent vision. In the most of the casualties occurred, one or more of such elements have proved to be faulty. Some of the worst disasters occurred in the 2017 – 2019 period has shown clearly that emergency management is pivotal to save human lives. The following considerations, presented in the Human Behaviour and Evacuation Modelling GEO-SAFE Workshop, held in Greenwich, UK on February 20th, 2020, give attention to the possibility of improving the emergency management through a new approach to emergency planning

AUTORI: S. Marsella, G. Micillo G. Fresu, M. Marzoli
DATA DOCUMENTO: 06/06/2020
FILE DOCUMENTO: Download file
PROGETTO DOCUMENTO: Fire and Rescue Innovation Network